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Learning to paint is a huge endeavor which doesn’t have to be overwhelming. There are many foundational principles to guide one’s art which are quite accessible anywhere on the internet. Locating them is only half the battle though, the other half is finding the right guide, who is able to organize that information and demonstrate its use in a highly effective manner.
There are some artists who paint well, but lack the communication skills to adequately explain their approach to art. On the other hand, there are artists who teach well, but their knowledge base doesn’t translate well into a consistent body of work; making it more challenging for them to teach these principles through example.
Artists on Demand is currently recruiting professional artists who have enviable portfolios and who are passionate about sharing their knowledge and skills to help others grow. That isn’t all though; these artist are also able to communicate and demonstrate complex principles, which make a huge difference in how students understand and apply painting fundamentals.
We are setting a standard of excellence in art instruction. You can be assured that every purchase you make will add usable gems of information to your current storehouse of artistic knowledge. With practice, you will be well on your way to painting mastery.